trade &
EUROMALT represents the European malting industry, which accounts for approximately 1/3 of the total world’s capacity in malt production. As such, EU exports account for more than 60% of the world trade in malt. It is an industry of high added value for EU economies, at the same time providing great opportunities for European malting barley producers. Regarding the role of trade for our sector, our members believe:
Trade plays a crucial role when supporting resilience in agri-food supply chain
The EU should maintain an ambitious trade policy, supporting trade diversification while maintaining its ambition for a dynamic, competitive and sustainable EU agriculture
The trend towards digitalisation is a window of opportunity for trade facilitation
EUROMALT represents a fully integrated supply chain dependent on seeds development, barley and wheat production. As an export-oriented sector, EUROMALT relies on an open and transparent multilateral trading system.
Competitiveness of the EU malt industry is of utmost importance for EUROMALT members. They believe that EU trade policy should at all times promote global innovative solutions to trade, therefore, they welcome the digital transformation of the agri-feed and food chain.
It is of crucial importance for the EU malting businesses to be provided with a stable and coherent regulatory environment, based on science, in the areas of food safety and sustainability. EUROMALT members appreciate the EU’s and its trade partners’ efforts focused on reducing barriers to trade by facilitating trade relationships through regulatory cooperation.